A woman looking at a faucet with low water pressure as she cleans a plate.

Why Is My Water Pressure Low?

Water pressure is the backbone of a fully-functional home, yet its significance often goes unnoticed — until it dwindles. Suddenly, washing dishes becomes a chore that feels more like a trickle than a flow, and showers turn from refreshing cascades into disappointing drips.

If you’re wondering, “Why is my water pressure low?” you’re not alone. This common question echoes in households experiencing the frustration of weakened water streams. In this blog, we’ll discuss the causes of low water pressure and provide actionable solutions to fix it. Whether it’s a simple adjustment or a sign of a deeper plumbing issue, understanding the root causes is your first step toward resolution.

The Basics of Water Pressure

Before we address the most common causes of low water pressure, let’s clarify what water pressure entails. Water pressure measures the force that pushes water through your plumbing system, ensuring it reaches all parts of your home efficiently. It’s measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), with normal water pressure ranging between 40 to 60 PSI. When the pressure drops below this range, you’ll notice low water pressure in activities like showering or filling pots.

Common Causes of Low Water Pressure

Dealing with low water pressure in your house can quickly turn from a minor annoyance into a major inconvenience, affecting everything from your morning shower to washing the dishes. This prevalent issue not only hampers your daily activities but also may indicate deeper plumbing challenges. However, there’s hope for a resolution. In order to effectively fix low water pressure, understanding the root cause is essential.

Clogged Pipes

Over time, mineral deposits and debris can accumulate inside your pipes, restricting water flow and consequently reducing pressure. This is particularly true for homes with older, galvanized steel pipes that are prone to corrosion and clogging.

Corroded Plumbing

Corrosion within your plumbing system can significantly restrict water flow, leading to poor water pressure. This is a common issue in older homes with metal pipes that have not been replaced or maintained properly.

Plumbing Leaks

Even a small leak can lead to a noticeable drop in water pressure. When water escapes through more than one leak in your system, it can significantly reduce the water flow to your fixtures.

Malfunctioning Pressure Regulator

If your home is equipped with a water pressure regulator, a failing pressure regulator can either increase the pressure to unsafe levels or decrease it, causing low water pressure. This device, usually located where the main water line enters your home, is crucial in maintaining the desired pressure level.

Main Shutoff Valve Not Fully Open

The main shutoff valve controls the flow of water into your home’s plumbing system. If it’s not fully open, it can restrict water flow, leading to decreased pressure throughout your home.

Issues Beyond Your Control

Have you checked for the issues above and are still asking, “Why is my water pressure low?” Sometimes, the answer lies beyond your home’s boundaries. For instance, variations in municipal water supply due to high demand or maintenance work can temporarily affect your home’s water pressure.

Diagnostic Tools and Fixes

Identifying the exact cause of low water pressure requires a combination of observation, diagnosis, and, occasionally, professional intervention. Using a water pressure gauge to test the pressure can help determine if the issue is widespread or isolated to specific areas. Simple solutions — like cleaning clogged aerators or fixing leaks — can sometimes restore water pressure. However, issues like corroded pipes or a broken pressure regulator necessitate professional plumbing repairs.

When to Contact the Experts

Understanding why your water pressure is low is the first step; finding the right professionals to fix it is the next. If your DIY fixes don’t resolve the issue, or you suspect the problem is beyond simple repairs, it’s time to call in the experts.

Aberle Plumbing, with its seasoned team of professionals, specializes in diagnosing and resolving all causes of low water pressure. From pipe replacement to addressing issues with the main city supply pipe, our experts ensure your plumbing system functions at its best. We specialize in everything from water heaters to hydro jetting and drains in Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas.

Ready to Restore Your Water Pressure? Contact Us Today!

Living with low water pressure can be a vexing issue, impacting daily routines and diminishing the comfort of your home. Understanding the causes of low water pressure and knowing when to call the professionals can make all the difference. Remember, regular maintenance and prompt attention to plumbing issues can prevent the frustration of low water pressure, ensuring your home remains a sanctuary of convenience and relaxation.

So, why is your water pressure low? There’s no reason to keep asking this question. Let Aberle Plumbing take the hassle out of your hands. With our expertise and efficient services, we’ll guarantee your water flows freely, just as it should. We can assist you with everything from a Houston sewer line repair to a professional drain cleaning. Don’t let low water pressure dampen your home’s harmony — schedule your service with Aberle Plumbing today and experience the difference that professional care can make!